UNREAL Optical Illusion Gadgets
UNREAL Optical Illusion Gadgets
#shorts #tech #gadgets #opticalillusion
I spend a LOT of time trying to make my videos as concise, polished and useful as possible for you – if you would like to support me on that mission then consider subscribing to the channel – you’d make my day 😁
Music is from Epidemic sound:
You’re so adorable
educational show👍👍💪💪🙏🙏
Me who thought the music was from Slimecycle
come on we know you exercise now remove that hand grip
There is a yter ‘munsonreacts’ he has the last one in the background lol
The customized airforce 🔥
what are those gloves?
App name
My undergraduate project was ”Design and fabrication of a Tensegrity Structure Using Biocomposites materials”
Jortstorm was my first thought (instead and relisten)
The first one is like what I see in the urban air plastic window ball thing in the playground
i know you May have not been expecting to read this but Jesus loves you and died for you we are all sinners in need of a saviour and through Christ sacfice you can have true joy peace and eternal life it is not only going to church but it is going to Christ believing in him❤
Ima download that app right now that is cool as heck
Jort Storm?
This reminds me of the hologram DIY video you had years ago , that helped me ton with the school project
No links for any of the stuff? What about the app?
The table is simple its just the hook being attached to the other one with a string. Try to imagine it without the chains
App name of 3d eye tracking eleyution 😅
app name?
The last one is what Dan has😮
I found this out while watching mark rober
Bro the app doesnt even exist 💀
2024 is the year of the most useless stuff humanity invented so far…. its a shame
Seguro pensarán, porque hablo en español?
Cada domingo encuentro un short en inglés y lo comento en español 🤑🤙
The last one was touching the stand
That was cool
🎉pin? 📍
I have the first one
Can you share a link to the parallax app ?
Whats the app name
Jort storm music
I have pne it comes with a fake frog to test it
Nice video
So cute
App link?
NO BUT THEN I WAS LIKE “wait i know this song” **looks at song title** “hm thats not the song…” **realizes** *JORTS!!* (only slimecicle fans know)
Can you give that app link pleace😩😩
Optical illusion (text) for you:
yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes
App name?
App name plz ?
I want the last one badly
Paralax app isn’t real don’t bother
Ok…but why does arun have gloves on 💀
The Last one I saw it at dan TDM
cant download parralax view cuz of scam apps
Bro just discombobulated my brain and expected me to be impressed
What’s the name of the app?
If anyone knows the name of that last item, please let me know. I’m tempted to buy one.