I bought tech at the dollar store and you should too

I bought tech at the dollar store and you should too

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The dollar store has a lot more tech than you might think, but how much of it is actually worth buying there, and how much is just cheap trash?

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1412024-how-bad-could-dollar-store-tech-be/

Buy Cable Zip Ties: https://geni.us/PziG

Buy Duracell Alkaline Batteries: https://geni.us/fOP9zJ

Buy Clear Organizer Boxes: https://geni.us/bX8X

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

Big Clive’s 2017 Poundland USB charger analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1_PYVTTYkU

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
0:38 Batteries
1:33 Headphones
4:34 Bluetooth speaker
6:21 Tools and supplies
10:17 Chargers and power
11:38 USB and HDMI cables
15:15 Battery results and conclusion


  1. I used to use those earbuds that came in the weird tube when i was younger. As bad as they are, they got me by lol

  2. I have a metal version of the pen/ruler/level. It is my everyday carry pen. The pen writes well and hasn’t run out of ink, yet. The level seems legit. The main reason I carry it is because my eye glasses have a screw that comes loose easily and the flat driver tightens them right up.

  3. Wait, so you’re saying anything that needs technical precision like cables and headphones didn’t pass the dollar store test? 😲 LOL.

  4. I find the led light strips are fine at the dollar store as long as you don’t need "smart" lighting. Plus since it’s infrared the remote usually works in multiple sets at once

  5. 12:24 Can someone please tell me the name of this USB tester? The hardware item and the program.

  6. Anthony looks like the type of dude i can trust with tech tips

  7. 0:44 Can someone please tell me what this Sega battery killer is? Thank you.

  8. Rip Anthony

  9. i hate this channel because have in repeat crab rave now hahahahah

  10. those vortex over ears i saw common in 2015-2017

  11. @Transgressive_Transmission January 22, 2025 at 11:21 am

    this video sounds like recession

  12. Where’s the freakish ears on a stand?

  13. Anthony & Alex are the only other people I will watch when Linus isn’t hosting the video.

  14. @michaelmanning9028 January 22, 2025 at 11:23 am

    I had a game gear as a kid and I remember taking trips and spending my whole $10 allowance on nothing but batteries and only being able to play for about an hour 1/2 before the game gear killed em, god that thing was a battery eater

  15. pretty solid except the zip ties suck they rip very easily wouldn’t recommend them. They’re unreliable generally.

  16. surely it doesnt need to be said that comparing near $400 brand name headphones to $4 dollar store ones is completely ridiculous, right?

  17. You guys really need to do a review of chubby cables!

  18. LTT videos with Anthony have truly aged like fine milk, or fine wine, depending on your perspective.

  19. I picked up a tiny mouse years ago so I wouldn’t have to cram my full size mouse in my laptop bag when playing league at events. Called it the jellybean because it was so tiny and it ended up being my favorite mouse even when I was playing from home.

  20. I’ve been getting gaming mice and keyboards from Dollar Tree for $5 and while they aren’t super great, they work just fine and even light up!

  21. Why aren’t more videos done by Anthony?

  22. Don’t think I’ve watched an Anthony video until now, as I’m new and have mostly been watching the Intel & AMD upgrade series, but I really like him! He gives vibes like I could ask a stupid tech question and he wouldn’t judge me and would just calmly explain. Feels less frenetic and more approachable. Gonna look up more of his vids! Thank you for making cool content and being you, Anthony!

  23. it makes no sense compairing a 349 dollar headset to a 3 dollar and 14 cent headphone

  24. My company has thousands of those all in one pens lol i have taken a plenty home over the years. They wear out really really quick though

  25. dollar ramma

  26. @EnhancedNightmare January 22, 2025 at 11:39 am

    That crab rave πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€

  27. @johnthefactfddict3281 January 22, 2025 at 11:41 am

    hmm I dislike the idea of treating charger cables(not actually for data, mainly the data pins only have to carry QC signal levels) as if they were high-speed data cables
    shielding is a waste of money when the signal speed is below that of even usb-1.0
    the "LMG USB cable tester" should be renamed the "LMG USB data-only cable tester" as it does not test properly for charge-only cables, especially when the charger cable intentionally omits the data pair and just puts that saved money into thicker and unshielded power wires
    a more accurate test for charging cables and power bricks is a microcontroller that slowly ramps up a transistor load circuit and keeps track of ONLY voltage and current on ONLY the power pair(and maybe a simple continuity test for the QC/PD lines)
    the tester would have USB-C out/in and USB A out and USB-micro-b in
    it could even be cheap and nasty and only do 500ma steps through resistors and determine maximum load by what current it holds >4.75v from a stable precision 5.25v source(5.00v is too low as charging will inherently cause voltage drop and the feedback of the switching circuit is often only active once it drops below the unloaded level and keeps going lower until cut-off)
    actually maybe whenever the drop is >0.25v it fails that current tier since 5v poorly regulated supplies exist

  28. Solo Emily videos are OP tbh, comes so prepared

  29. beware the cheap car chargers im an auto tech and its well known they produce interference that can kill the wireless signal of your car remote

  30. oh hey look its emily!

  31. Tip tied aren’t flexible …. ( grunts while flexing it ) πŸ’ͺ πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ’€

  32. I got a really good 1.5m long male male 3.5mm cable at the dollar store for $5 a couple years ago but they never had those again. Cable still works great. Even works with sony headphones.

  33. I know if Linus was reviewing the screwdriver, he would have been like "but it can in no way stand up to the LTT store screwdriver!"

  34. @ARandomInternetUser08 January 22, 2025 at 11:51 am

    Mice and keyboards from the dollar store are definitely a big pass for me. I bought a $20 "gaming" mouse, keyboard, and mousepad combo package just to see how it is, and the keyboard, while it works and looks cool and is "usable", the keys feel like absolute shit. πŸ˜‚
    The mouse and mousepad aren’t actually that terrible though, especially the mousepad. A $20 mouse from the Micro Center is still the best option, and I might get a keyboard and mousepad from there too because the mouse I got from there is on its 3rd year and cheaper stuff is great if you know what to get. We even had a worker at the Micro Center recommend the cheaper mouse when we asked which to get. She even said something like "the more expensive mice really aren’t that much better than the cheaper options, if at all".
    Surprisingly, this headset I get from the dollar store here in the US actually sounds great when listening to music.

  35. holy shit i never knew it was that bad. I always thought if the usb charger just works, it’ll be fine

  36. I have a dollar store setup. 5$ RGB Keyboard, 5$ RGB Mouse, dollar store cables, dollar store flash drives. $

  37. What is shielding on the usb that he is talking about?

  38. Can’t wait for Emily to come back. I miss seeing them on here

  39. This dude is good

  40. @johnthefactfddict3281 January 22, 2025 at 12:01 pm

    welp I swear by those usb cords, for at least rock solid 5v 1a charge-only use
    I find people make this mistake a TON, USB used to be a data-only standard, but has factually diverged into a data/power subcategory(though the best cables can do both with perfect results), this tends to mean your "hard no" should actually be a "maybe" as if you weren’t assuming data and not power use(the opposite of what they are sold for point of fact), then it would likely pass the current-only testing for up to 1a, results on 2.1a are seldom very good but I had one cable set(I knew it was shieldless and it didn’t matter for charging to me) and it actually held a -deltaVolt of <0.25v so it could actually make a phone see an acceptable tolerance 5v supply all the way up to 2.1a
    I actually had the 1meter version of that braided white cable(the only acceptable length for charging at 2.1a is <1meter) and it held out well(in fact I had 2 of them one silver and one black micro-usb) and they only failed when connector wear and abuse made them faulty
    it was actually one of then that I used for a generic rock candy xbox-360 controller cable replacement before I bit the bullet and tried name-brand controllers(xbox-one with 2.4GHz dongle+BT)
    so yeah your test is actually "not applicable" when testing a packaged product called "usb CHARGING cable"
    they know the data rate will be SHIT, they are spending the pennies they have on PURE POWER, as copper is the worst expense but also the most critical aspect for POWER
    if I seem angry I just am, data cords != power cords and never should be tested as if they do, does it say anywhere on that usb package it is for high-speed usb-2.0 data? does it not mention charging at 2.1a at all? then maybe it is for using with the cheap blocks you bought and NEVER with a PC making shielding irrelevant as it is USB 0(no data or at best 1.0/1.1 rates)+USB Charging extensions

    in fact I bet most of these packages don’t even mention the speed class and only weakly add "sync" to their marketing(outside of hdmi which, you should just strip the wires and take them to a scrapyard for copper) and that implies ANY data rate >0BPS so it could be Usb 1.0 spec(which worked fine for HID controller data) or as high as it can reach, and as USB data specs are backwards compatible to the dawn of USB(aside from usb-3.x hosts only handling devices that follow the 2.0 spec nicely without a hub to packetize the 1.1/1.0 stream) so I find the insistence on USB-2.0 as the "bare minimum data rate of all cords ever" to be a tad silly, just think of USB-Serial/LPT devices, how often does your retro LPT/Serial device reach a data rate >12Mbps? never that is how often.
    now it IS important for a person who has no idea what cables they own or often uses their phone or other micro-usb/USB-c device that is only charged most times for data transfer(like syncing some content to the SD card prior to a trip) to ensure you don’t have useless cables lying around to confuse you

    but ultimately other than the USB cable BS of LTT I agree, I actually use a few of those "definitely" items myself:

  41. Neat freaking idea

  42. my desk mat was from there and it does the job

  43. State mandated Anthony comment for Anthony exposure (Anthony related)

  44. He should buy dilator now

  45. @alpacadeathtrap8089 January 22, 2025 at 12:07 pm

    This just got recommended to me and I thought Emily was back. Then I saw the date and got sad. we miss you, Emily.

  46. I like this lad , is chill and really knowledgeable in tech stuff from what I’ve seen in other videos.

  47. @riebers_adventures January 22, 2025 at 12:09 pm

    I have the same pen

  48. I’ve got 2 out of 3 headphone models the dollar store sells. One of them is 2 years old and has survived multiple drops, stomps and even being thrown out of frustration. Granted, they are not the best sound headphones out there, but their pretty durable.

  49. @TechnicalJimActual January 22, 2025 at 12:11 pm

    We _really_ need more videos on inexpensive tech on the channel.

  50. Moooaaar need mooaaar

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