HDMI-ARC for Non -Techies Connect an Audio System to Smart TV (Part 1 of 4)

HDMI-ARC for Non -Techies Connect an Audio System to Smart TV (Part 1 of 4)

You can connect a Smart TV to ANY Surround Sound, Stereo System , soundbar.
This video shows how to use HDMI ARC ( HDMI Audio Return Channel) for Home Theater sound.
HDMI ARC may be used even with stereo systems which have no HDMI ports, by using simple inexpensive adapters. All configurations in this video have remote control of volume and mute using the TV remote control even if the Audio system is not equipped with a remote control.

00:00 Why a Separate Audio System for a TV?
01:25 Types of Audio System Good for TV Sound
02:48 Types of Cables for TV Sound Output
04:42 Connecting an Audio System using HDMI ARC
06:59 Using HDMI ARC and Vintage Receiver
10:00 If The TV Sound Doesn’t Work

Once your smart TV is connected to a good audio system, you can truly enjoy streamed music services like Spotify, Amazon Music, or Pandora, or If you want even higher quality without paying for a monthly subscription, you can stream the music that you already own, from your home computer. Check out this video to show you how: https://youtu.be/DZSx9ZPveqY

Related Videos;
HDMI ARC Problems Solved! Connect a TV to an Audio System for Non -Techies (part 2 of 4).

Connect an iPhone to ANY TV Wirelessly Using Airplay.

Connect a TV to an Audio System for Non -Techies (part 3 of 4) – Using an optical connection.

Connect a TV to an Audio System for Non -Techies (part 4 of 4). Troubleshooting the Audio

Products Featured in Video

HDMI Cable: https://www.amazon.com/Keymox-Support-Ethernet-Compatible-Nintendo/dp/B0835L6DJ9?crid=IRLRLCJNL8JJ&keywords=hdmi+cable+6ft&qid=1666840948&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjU4IiwicXNhIjoiNC4zNiIsInFzcCI6IjQuMzAifQ%3D%3D&s=electronics&sprefix=HDMI+Cable%2Celectronics%2C147&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=rogergadgetgu-20&linkId=b91f4153e6d02fd1bcabe8fd2970397a&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
RCA Audio Cable: https://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-102864-Premium-22AWG-Cable/dp/B001W0WI02?crid=2MHRF2TSJ80JZ&keywords=rca%2Baudio%2Bcable%2B6ft&qid=1666841236&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjU3IiwicXNhIjoiMy45NCIsInFzcCI6IjMuNTQifQ%3D%3D&s=electronics&sprefix=RCA%2Baudio%2Bcable%2Celectronics%2C139&sr=1-3&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=rogergadgetgu-20&linkId=e4bdbb71bfb3c87e7dc02049e6776634&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Optical Cable: https://www.amazon.com/TNP-Toslink-Digital-Optical-Theater/dp/B019ETC2P8?crid=2AZ75FMWMWKAU&keywords=toslink+optical+cable+6ft&qid=1668223721&s=electronics&sprefix=toslink+optical+cable+6ft%2Celectronics%2C188&sr=1-2-spons&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=rogergadgetgu-20&linkId=9ae221566a0b14147620deb1ce9c7938&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

HDMI ARC audio adapter Featured in Video (worked well with Sony, Samsung and Vizio TVs, could not get it to work with a Panasonic Viera): https://www.amazon.com/Tendak-Extractor-Converter-Soundbar-Amplifier/dp/B07CJ96MQV?crid=2TYNCCFJW6KWI&keywords=hdmi+arc+adapter+to+rca+audio&qid=1666839350&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=%2Caps%2C112&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=rogergadgetgu-20&linkId=8fc112f80d0a4e4229f3851e3a2ef7ea&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

Alternative HDMI ARC audio Adapter (The volume control was not as smooth as the other adapter listed, but it did work with a Panasonic TV): https://www.amazon.com/Extractor-Adapter-Soundbar-Speaker-Amplifier/dp/B09NDB7R7H?crid=3ID83ZYKKKWDC&keywords=hdmi+arc+adapter+to+rca+audio&qid=1666840497&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=hdmi+arc+adapter+to+rca+audio%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-16&linkCode=ll1&tag=rogergadgetgu-20&linkId=7fd00538c67212d66af6ce6531aba4bc&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl


  1. Hello. I was wondering if a hifi system that supports Bluetooth will work wirelessly to out put the audio from a smart tv? I have a TEAC LP1000

  2. I’m trying to connect my tv to my older rv receiver which does not have the aux option. It does however have a headphone jack in both the rv sound system and my tv. Also my tv does have an hdmi arc input. Any ideas??

  3. I haven’t tried this yet but both the tv and receiver r only about 5 yrs old, so it shouldn’t be any problem. Can i use my remote for the receiver to just listen to music without the tv being on? Great video. Clear, concise, easy to understand!

  4. @Roberthummel-yf5ql January 22, 2025 at 11:17 am

    Ha! Roger the shrubber…

  5. @michaelburton5198 January 22, 2025 at 11:20 am

    Problems With My AVRX6700H And Samsung S95B Tv??? My DEVICES Are CONNECTED To My AVRX6700H… Everything Switches Well Far As INPUTS Go, BUT Everything WON’T TURN ON SIMULTANEOUSLY BUT WILL GO OFF SIMULTANEOUSLY????? WEIRD????? What’s The PROBLEM?????

  6. Hi Roger, we liked very much your videos.
    We bought a new LG OLED C4 TV and connected it to an old LG Blu-ray home theatre (2011) through an HDMI and optical cable. We have an HDMI ARC on the TV, but not on the Blu-ray. We did the settings to use the TV magic remote as a universal remote and enabled Simplink (HDMI-CEC) and the LG Sound Sync. We are able to use the TV magic remote, for both devices TV and Blu-ray, for volume control, mute, and turn off. We have only a problem with the turn-on function. When we push the power button on the TV magic remote only the TV turns on, not the Blu-ray. And to turn on the Blu-ray we need to use its remote control. We saw your videos about how to connect an audio system to a Smart TV. We would like to know if the HDMI ARC extractor works for us and helps turn on both the TV and Blu-ray. Or other advice from you in this matter. Thanks.

  7. Arc audio exctracts just nothing, this is fake DAC, no sound output, everything is connected properly.

  8. This is all great until you throw a cable box in the mix with only two HDMI outlets on the tv.

  9. @claricemirafuente6283 January 22, 2025 at 11:26 am

    How can i connect my soundbar if my smart tv doesnt have any bluetooth nor hdmci arc?

  10. This guy does not explain himself properly

  11. The sound in movies nowadays is SHIT if you only want to watch in stereo on your TV via say blu ray player etc. Can’t hear the dialogue while the background music is blasting! Fek surround sound, I don’t want speakers all around the fekking place. Movies should have a stereo mix to choose from! Terrible!

  12. None of this works on my TV! I can only get audio through the cable box. The DVD/Blu-Ray will not work, no matter what I do.

  13. Hello Roger, I have a new TV hooked up to a Spectrum Cable Box and trying to salvage my old Bose 123 Sound System. I have HDMI running from Cable Box to TV. I also have an optical cable running from Cable Box to Bose 123. I get full sound from the Bose when watching normal TV. However, when using streaming apps on the smart TV, I only get sound from the TV speakers, do you have a solution to enable Bose 123 system to work with streaming apps on the TV? The TV does have an ARC Port. The Bose 123 is old and only has 1 optical port and RCA connections available. Thank you!

  14. PHONO is for a turntable, so not to be used for anything else.

  15. @simonebarbato9877 January 22, 2025 at 11:35 am

    Hi, congratulations on the video! I have a PS5 Slim (and as everyone knows it doesn’t have an optical output). I connected the console to the 4K TV (Tcl C805) directly because my amplifier is a bit old and does not support 4K resolution. Then with another HDMI cable I connected the TV to the Arc/eArc port and then to the amplifier. I set the audio output on the Ps5 to "Av Amplifier", then to "5.1 surround" and "Linear Pcm". You can hear the audio correctly on all speakers but not on the central speaker channel. (practically becoming a 4.1). Even with a bluray film it’s like this, the central speaker can’t be heard. Is all this normal? Thank you

  16. How to connect hdmi arc tv to amplifier without hdmi arc

  17. @pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 January 22, 2025 at 11:36 am

    I can’t get ARC to work with e-ARC.

  18. You’re the gift that keeps giving Roger. So helpful. Thanks.

  19. ⁠​⁠​⁠ hello again Roger, I’m sorry to disturb. I have purchased the audio extractor but then realised my 5.1 Panasonic home cinema doesn’t have a 3 RCA ports but only a left and right audio (Aux) and also 3 component ports(out) which means i can’t get video out of its home cinema unless i connected another hdmi cable.
    I currently only managed to connect the tv via its Arc into audio extractor and only 2 RCA (audio L/R) in the extractor and home cinema. I get tv audio through my hifi but not the 2 rear speakers so not getting 5.1 surround and also it doesn’t yet turn the hifi system on and off with tv remote. Also issue is if i decided to watch the hifi’s own dvd player it’s nightmare because i have to use another hdmi to get video and lots of manual switching back and forth. Is there any better way please? Even if it means buying some other adaptors. Can i bring the component ports into play somehow to make things better and simpler? Thank you so much for your valuable advice. One other issue is splitting the audio for my hearing aid device. I used to do that easily using y cable from home cinema but doing that now get me very weak sound to my hearing aid. Any solution really appreciated as i need to hear my tv through my hearing aid. 👍

  20. @bernardojuchembecker3475 January 22, 2025 at 11:37 am

    Roger, thank you so much Sr! Solved my problem and now I am enjoying a setting with a Smart TV, and big ass receiver Boom speakers. So yea, I am sharing this info with my friends!

  21. @InstrumentalKINGblog January 22, 2025 at 11:37 am

    I appreciate this video Roger, and definitely tried to work with what I have. I bought a home that has a very expensive A/V setup that I cannot see myself wanting to rip out. It’s a 5.1 channel setup that is connected to a Denon AV-1707 receiver and a Pioneer dumb TV (circa early 2000s). The TV does not have HDMI-ARC nor Optical connectors, instead there are tons of S-Video and RCA connectors including black, green and blue. I do not know how proceed. The connection works but I’d like to simplify it as the receiver lives in the adjacent room and the speakers are flush in my walls. I want to grade to a 4K TV and looking to understand the connections so I can utilize the 5.1 setup without having to completely modernize my setup. I have tons of photos, who is willing to help? based in Chicago.

  22. @Joshua_Matthew_Fishin January 22, 2025 at 11:39 am

    Guy shaking worse than a dog trying to shit a peach seed! But fantastic video

  23. I’m trying to hook up my new smart TV to a Dolby 5.1 surround sound. It only has an optical (not a HDMI) input so I purchased the cable but it will only power up two of my 6 speakers. The surround sound does have RCA connections. If I use the HDMI extractor that you speak of will it power all of my speakers.

  24. @rodgergadgetguy I have a receiver that has hdmi but not the hdmi arc but my TV has the HDMI arc. Do I need a special HDMI earc cable or do I need to use the optical cable

  25. Thank you so much. I’m connecting some Bose 501 speakers and a Rotel amp/ reciever. Their in good shape and the TV is a simple ONN Roku.

  26. @samanthajohnson4730 January 22, 2025 at 11:46 am

    Hi I need some serious help. I know this video was posted years ago but I am hopeful for some help. I have a v2go karaoke machine that has optical plug in and an lg tv that also has it. I have adjusted tv settings but still no sound.

  27. Hi Roger,
    I’m so glad I found you. I bought a new Samsung QLED 4k Smart TV. When I took it out of the box, I realized that the TV only has 2 HDMI ports and no input or output jacks. I have my stereo system with surround sound, a Wii game console, a turntable all that has jacks. In terms of HDMI ports, i need 2 extra ones. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, in terms of how to hook everything up.

  28. @quicksmilenathan103 January 22, 2025 at 11:47 am

    When I plug in the hdmi arc to arc I get a blue screen on the tv

  29. My 15+ yo mediacom DVR died, manufacture is no longer providing a replacement. Today a new small cable box was installed which connects to my internet router. It works.
    I still have a DVR machine.
    Most pressing issue is that I also have 15+ yo Bose computer speakers next to my recliner with R n W connectors on a 6′ cable.
    Technician plugged them into the DVD machine then DVD to the back of my 10yo Sanyo flat screen.
    They do NOT have sound now! Since they worked when unplugged in to the DVR machine, they should also work if plugged in to a DVD.

  30. I have a scott am-fm stero reciever. My grandfather had this thing at his house. Wanted to give it a shot

  31. Dear Roger, if one uses an optical cable, does one need to use RCA cables for sound output on Amp? I have a Harmon and nothing works- Ive tried three HDMI cables on my Hisense TV but I still cannot get sound. Now using Optical cable but sound is only from TV. HELP/

  32. Hey! I really hope you’re still active on here as I’m having a few problems. Was given an old Sony entertainment unit with blu-ray (sony bdv e970w) it definitely works but it’s not working on my TV! TV supports ARC and so does the unit, the TV says its connected and the hdmi is connected correctly but sound won’t come through from my ps5 channel. even bought a new HDMI cord. CDs will play when inserting them into the unit. Went through all the settings on the TV and made sure that was all correct. I have no idea what I am doing wrong 🙁 tried some settings on the ps5 too but also not working.

  33. @HeleneWheatfield0549 January 22, 2025 at 11:55 am

    ‘Going to check for ARC connection on the T.V. & if it’s there, then going out to buy a sound bar. (Mum’s 97 and we both have trouble hearing the t.v. so thank you very much!)

  34. @michaelburton5198 January 22, 2025 at 11:56 am


  35. Hi Roger, is it necessary to turn off the TV’s speakers? I have connected the soundbar and TV using the ARC but just keeps using the TV speakers.

  36. Good video. I was rather disappointed tonight when I used hdmi connection with my Blueray player and only got audio. Yep, no video. Hopefully one of your videos will tell me what went wrong . 😢

  37. @philjohnson-ic7dm January 22, 2025 at 12:04 pm

    I have Bose Cinemate GS series 2 digital theater. The line coming out of Sub Woofer to TV is permanant conn. To a box that has digital/optical out line to TV. New TV does not have digital/optical conn. Has HDM1. Would need new line out of subwoofer and transfer box with HDM1 output and line to TV. Hate throw out perfectly good system.

  38. @theoschilstra1564 January 22, 2025 at 12:04 pm

    Thx! Good info

  39. @KenGoldberg-u9q7z January 22, 2025 at 12:04 pm

    I am trying to connect Bluetooth headphones through my Onkyo receiver to my TV. When I play music through the tuner, the headphones work. However, when I connect the TV to the receiver with an Audio cable I’d get the TV to work going through the the Onkyo receiver, but they do not go through the headphones. What am I doing wrong? Your help will greatly be appreciated.

  40. You have not covered any system like computer speakers that use a single male jack (most headphones are equipped with that too).

  41. I have a 2017 Sharp 70" smart TV. The sound bar does not work for mine. What am I doing wrong or what kind of speakers should I buy? Thank you

  42. @110americalovingpatriot2 January 22, 2025 at 12:06 pm

    Are you a very successful gynecologist?

  43. I bought the adapter featured in your video. Got it hooked up in a matter of minutes. Wow what a difference in the sound and all I’m using is shelf speakers. Thank you!

  44. Hi, how can I use the Bluetooth headset on my amplifier that my amp doesn’t have a headset plug in?

  45. I am trying to connect a TCL TV with a Yamaha RX v385. There seems to be no identifiable arc port on the amp. (there is one on the TV) There is a port labelled HDCP 2.2. What am I missing?

  46. Thanks for the video,

  47. Thx your video helped me set my audio up with the first one cheers

  48. I am 75 years of age and love all modern technology can do but am frightened of doing things wrong. You step by step instructions are designed just for me…EXCELLENT Roger. I just connected my Hisense 54" tv to a Majority Teton Plus soundbar with subwoofer, sound amazing compared to stand alone tv. THANK YOU 🙂

  49. Does the adapter ever fail? I finally got this to work for about a month, then turned system on and got no sound…couldn’t even get sound from tuner or CD player. Help!

  50. I’ve got a Samsung sound bar. That was working fine. But now. It just cuts out for a few seconds. Then comes back on. Cannot figure this out.

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