Exploring Tokyo's LARGEST Tech Store

Exploring Tokyo's LARGEST Tech Store

I’m back in Tokyo’s Akihabara district to visit Yodobashi Camera, one of the largest tech singular stores in the world featuring 600,000sqft of retail space spanning NINE FLOORS of productsv- ranging from computers, to game consoles, appliances, cameras to name a few!


0:00 – What is Yodobashi-Akiba?
1:35 – 1st Floor: Tourist Trap?
3:39 – 2nd Floor: PCs, Keyboards and… FAX MACHINES?
7:30 – 3rd Floor: Cameras!
10:03 – 4th Floor: SO MUCH AUDIO
13:23 – 5th Floor: The Cadillac of Toilets
14:29 – 6th Floor: Otaku Paradise
20:19 – 7-8th Floor: The Best… Restaurants?
22:07 – 9th Floor: BATTING CAGES AND GOLF????


Ken Bolido – Host, Writer, Shooter
​⁠@austinevans – Executive Producer
@LukePollack- Editor

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  1. amazing video thanks for the blog

  2. wow, this is so usefull vlog for ones wanna know about yodobashi-akiba store. by the way, what camera do you use for this vlog?? I’m curious how you take front and backside footage so easily

  3. @victorforzani3433 January 22, 2025 at 11:19 am

    you hit like a girl and I bet you dont have one.

  4. All the videos I’ve seen about this store, not seen many Staff?? Only at the Cashdesk?

  5. I loved the tour of the Todobashi Camera; but maybe with the next vlogs, blur out the people (and not actually zoom shots of them). Not everybody enjoys being in some stranger’s vlog. Again, nice tour.

  6. Regarding the ‘theme song’ I used to work for a toy company that had me stationed at FAO Schwarz demonstrating their toys. The FAO theme song would play endlessly during business hours. There was one time that it actually broke! The silence was actually pretty eerie….

    Then they brought out a boom box, put a cassette in(which you could actually *buy*), and played the theme song. When it’d stop,someone would reach in with a long stick to hit the rewind button.

    Ah good times!

  7. @millionairebillionairetril3937 January 22, 2025 at 11:23 am

    Hello is there sony xperia? What is the cheapest price and expensive price if xperia? Thank you

  8. Yodobashi is one of the most expensive shops for electronics. The variety is astounding and if you really need something, then you can probably find it there. However, there are better options. When you go to Akihabara, don’t go to any of the big shops near the center. Go down the side streets. The big shops are for tourists and lazy people who have a lot of money.

  9. radio shack x100

  10. im trying to get a pc in tokyo, should I get a prebuilt or build it myself?, and where should I go because I know it is more expensive than other places

  11. I’m not even sure I would bother with Akihabara after hitting this spot. Absolutely amazing!

  12. @silvestergardner4847 January 22, 2025 at 11:30 am

    Do they sell minidisc recorders and blank minidiscs?

  13. tip for you we want to see the products or the store more than your face so next time focus on the store not on yourself

  14. We found that store overwhelming when we went there.

  15. I’m still figuring out how to comfortably VLOG in public ESPECIALLY in Japan, but let me know if you’d love to see more tech videos from here!

  16. Bestbuy has nothing on this place

  17. Watched a lot of videos about Akihabara and it looks like a heaven for nerds. My kind of place.

  18. LOL he looks like KAI from the Camera review channel

  19. As a train enthusiast and passionate gamer, I went here last month and the sixth floor was extremely fun to look at

  20. @dyslexocortext6926 January 22, 2025 at 11:47 am

    Would be great to see more store, more products and less of YOUR FACE.

  21. A really large decked out Best Buy

  22. This was hella entertaining


  24. 22:05 Yodobashi’s jingle can’t be as bad as Bic Camera. Note that AmiAmi has the best in-store jingle,

  25. Your accent is fine despite being a Jungle Asian

  26. Thank you very much. I have seen many other Yodobashi videos from since the mid 2010s. Many of them are largely silent. Others do offer guides from vloggers, but none have done it as detailed and articulately as you have from those that I have seen.

  27. I enter this place without knowing 🫢🫢🫢

  28. this is my dream store

  29. @jonathanosterlund4108 January 22, 2025 at 11:57 am

    Hey, do you guys know if they do tax free for tourists on that place?

  30. @spencerkahwai4455 January 22, 2025 at 11:57 am

    Love Akiba since I visited Tokyo in 1995. I plan to visit again. Spencer Kahwai, watching from Harare, Zimbabwe

  31. Those fire woods tho 🗿

  32. Ay, ken!
    This is yo boi: mighty EGSVID from 7 スタジオ.
    Usually, I’m much like a Japanese gamer, and I’m an og as well. I got an united state’s WII U console, but no US Wii remote.
    Usually, I’m gonna get a Japanese WII U console next time.
    -thanks ken, 7 スタジオ.

  33. wow thats a crazzzyyy plaes

  34. Yodobashi Camera in Tokyo has many foreign tourists. Especially Chinese.

  35. If I buy a phone, tablet, camara etc. – can I ask that all the menus and the language be in English?

  36. Imagine having to order stock.for thst store pay electric bill etc too mucj to deal witu

  37. I think for pc parts micro center is better and is weird how pc parts is more expensive in Japan but sneakers are cheaper like sbeaker reselling etc cheaper than the US

  38. This was awesome.

  39. We used to have department stores similar to this in United States many years ago but they all closed and replaced them with malls. Now the malls are closing.

  40. Definitely a bucket list location for any fan of tech 🙂 Thanks for the virtual tour of this wonderful looking store…

  41. how did you get this confidence when talking on camera bro? I would feel so shy and awkward to talk and record videos in public especially in Asian countries

  42. expensive if not the same price

  43. 😮

  44. Best part 24:25

  45. haha, amazon ebay are the best here in USA

  46. Please find the place where they still selling cassette player, dvd player turntables and radios of made in japan

  47. Maybe advertised but fax machines are still very much a thing in business I’m america grocery stores everywhere

  48. Great video! I’m going to Tokyo next month and MUST stop by …

  49. 19:14 Just as he said he could find a toyota supra but it’s in silver, there’s one on the upper shelves. 🤣

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