24 Hour Online Shopping Challenge *Unlimited Budget*

24 Hour Online Shopping Challenge *Unlimited Budget*

Download Revolut with my link, use your card, and get £20!
(End date + T&Cs apply) AD
Link: https://get.revolut.com/e9Jc/dadvgirls

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About Dad V Girls:
Welcome to our channel – We are Joel, Sarah, Kaci, Grace, Sophie, Chloe and Madison, a British family of vloggers who just like to have fun. Subscribe and turn on notifications and join the DVG Fam!


  1. I love ready salted hula hoops😂😂😂 15:06

  2. @EmilyNicholson-dy3wy January 22, 2025 at 11:15 am

    OMGG love these videos so much remember all the other ones u did so happy it’s back!💗

  3. I am so happy you did another one of these videos. I have been waiting all of the others over and over again I’m so happy 🥳

  4. @aaliyahgrinnon8760 January 22, 2025 at 11:15 am


  5. How about.. different shopping budgets at COSTCO …..see what everyone’s individual choices are…you could add rules such as has to include a family meal

  6. This is the very first video I saw on y’all’s channel a few years ago! ❤

  7. Why does it sound like it was filmed in space 🤣 it’s hurting my ears but I really wanna watch it 🥲

  8. My sister likes Joel 🫢

  9. @georgiacuthbert9483 January 22, 2025 at 11:25 am

    Hope your ok xx

  10. I love Sarah’s choices the rubix cube for Sophie the blow up Santa to decorate the house, and the hoover. She is just the loveliest person, always thinking about others, and decorating/ cleaning the house. Hope I am a mum like her one day.

  11. @MyBunnyFamily-ex7xi January 22, 2025 at 11:27 am


  12. @cupcakeunicornjoy1709 January 22, 2025 at 11:28 am

    Grace didn’t get her burrito? 🙁

  13. Yassss


  15. @gigi.robertsonofficalx January 22, 2025 at 11:31 am

    I love this video xx

  16. Sarah got her necklace right?!! Love the vid x

  17. @cupcakeunicornjoy1709 January 22, 2025 at 11:34 am

    Number 6: I don’t get how you all lost, though. It said, ‘If the most expensive item is 50 pounds more than the least expensive item, everyone loses.’ The item that Grace chose is well over four times the amount that Kaci chose, not 50 pounds more—it’s way, way more than 50 pounds more, so I think you all should have still won. If it said, ‘If the most expensive item is 50 pounds or more,’ that would mean you all lose, but if it said ’50 pounds more,’ Grace was way over that.

  18. guys the video sound effects are really annoying you guys used to edit way better

  19. I do not get it. What’s going on. Why are they filming this separately too? like they should filmed this at a round table, (multiple camera angles), but just at the same time. Cause this was (especially the editing) so confusing

  20. Download Revolut with my link, use your card, and get £20!
    (End date + T&Cs apply) AD
    Link: https://get.revolut.com/e9Jc/dadvgirls

  21. Just give Joel his monster 😂😂😂

  22. Joel was a bit rusty starting off here😂 bless him, he was stressin🥴

  23. Jo John Lewis first one I thought off

  24. i miss seeing grace in school( i will not take the name of the school) i really wanted to say hi but was really embarrassed to do 😂😂

  25. The best video!

  26. @laurenspencer5768 January 22, 2025 at 11:43 am

    "i take it back… i just was confused" from Kaci had me dead 😂😂

  27. Cassie is such a vibe HAHAHAHHA 23:33 😂😂

  28. this is my fav video

  29. @nacerajohnston3160 January 22, 2025 at 11:52 am

    I love these videos ❤

  30. Where’s Kacis tracksuit from xx

  31. @lovejewelledjewellery January 22, 2025 at 11:53 am

    seen this video and RAN to click on it… literally the best video you guys can ever do!! xx

  32. You should have guests on

  33. @victoriavella6205 January 22, 2025 at 11:54 am

    Can you do a video where you actually buy the items

  34. 1000 pounds of monster 😂

  35. The colour one coulda been easy – go on a home or clothes store and filter the colours! Maybe ❤

  36. The 🎃 I would be raging hahaha 😅

  37. @eleanorbenoit-means1257 January 22, 2025 at 11:59 am

    Grace: "I shouldn’t have got that chocolate bar" – she cracks me up 🤣

  38. can u di a revolution for revolution junior! great vid I look forward to this one every yearrrr! ❤😊

  39. Can you do routines

  40. ‘Not a two it had a Diet Coke’ had me cackling 🤣🤣

  41. @liliavalentine1854 January 22, 2025 at 12:06 pm


  42. These videos are the best!

  43. Are they moving house? Their house is for sale? 😱

  44. @MartinaCooper-z9e January 22, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Is this sponsored by monster as well 😂😂😂

  45. And my favourite Dad v Girls video is back ❤❤❤

  46. LOVE these videos!!!❤
    Please do more of these!!!❤️🎉

  47. These are my favourite videos to watch

  48. @georgiacuthbert9483 January 22, 2025 at 12:11 pm

    Hope your ok xx

  49. Please make more shopping challenge videos!!!

  50. They spending £26.13 shoulda donated exactly that amount to a charity

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