How Dropshipping Ruined Online Shopping

How Dropshipping Ruined Online Shopping

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Some things I read for this if you’re interested in learning more:,Both,-the%20House%20investigation

Dollar Shave Club’s Billion Dollar Exit: A Private Label Success Story

Amazon FBA Fees: How Much Does it Cost to Sell on Amazon in 2024?

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00:00 what is dropshipping
06:07 food
07:22 etsy is a he*l hole
15:11 practical guide on discerning dropshipping
16:20 why it sucks for other sellers and customerz
18:00 girl complaining waah waaah waah goo goo gaga
20:27 amazon luvs dropshipping
25:51 temu is a dropship marketplace
30:00 dude there’s now AI that adds items automatically to your store, they dont even try at all
31:16 the dropship guru farce (more like farts am i right)
39:36 conclusion

tags: #dropshipping


  1. The ad I got during this video was literally some moron trying to teach me how to get rich by drop shipping

  2. @erwinvangrinsven9345 January 22, 2025 at 11:15 am

    Even the hands of the thin dude are lying‼️😀🤌

  3. At least with eBay it’s a bit more honest because it doesn’t pretend like everything is lovingly handmade – nothing is!!! Anything drop shipped is obvious so it’s easy to tell

  4. @user_wholives_in_simulation January 22, 2025 at 11:16 am

    Brands, Shops wanted to produce and buy everything from china and get money for selling it for more expensive prices( sometimes×10), now people are taught to buy directly from China and save money and here we are…. people are claimed to be over consumers…think about your own working conditions as if so

  5. LOL

  6. as an etsy seller, I cant stand how the site is being taken over by dropshippers.

  7. This is either a product liability lawyer’s wonderland or nightmare.

  8. I couldn’t agree more!! But you know what else has gotten so bad in the past 2-3 years is completely different images used to sell the product, sellers show a 3d item, a Christmas ornament, for example, and what you actually get is a cheap acrylic item with an image printed on it. Also happened with a sweater I ordered for Thanksgiving. What I ordered was 3d, it had an embroidered turkey with "feathers" hanging off of the shirt. What I received was a piece of crap, horribly printed not even on a sweater but like t-shirt material 😡. This was probably something stolen from a real hand-crafted item, reproduced (poorly) and drop-shipped!

  9. I want to know more about what this girlboss at @30:43 is talking about, I want to be a financially free digital nomad 🙁

  10. They make loses with your money… but win with your informations…

  11. it didn’t

  12. I.F.S.M.I.T.I.L.M.I.A.N.I.F.
    That’s a long name

  13. got three shopify ads on this video and the video aint even done hahahahahahahahaha youtube doings its thing

  14. Trump 2028

  15. I used to work in Amazon customer service. The amount of customer victimized by dropshipping is insane, we get calls everyday about customers buying knockoffs from third party sellers.

  16. Me watching this at my amazon shift

  17. A+ Fairly Oddparents reference!

  18. as i understand it its not allowed to dropship from alibaba directly to amazon. you have to have a brand first and an inventory bought from alibaba for ex. (that you can send to FBA) and thats the way of "dropshipping". is this correct?

  19. love your guitar, is that a Stratocaster?

  20. @sheilabataclan8400 January 22, 2025 at 11:39 am

    I don’ t really buy anymore. even in stores, because i see them online and because everything is from china.

  21. 40:10 defends slavery a second time!

  22. @BeyondBoundsMedia January 22, 2025 at 11:41 am

    Dropshipping has been around even before computers and cell phones. so dropshipping did not hurt anything.

  23. Not kidding why are there 5 ads in the first 6 minutes 😭

  24. Even if you make zero sales in a month, Etsy charges you as a seller. Nope! Bye!

  25. Sellers like this piss me tf off. I create goods to sell and I actually put my heart and soul into every product I sell. Then I get people who are like, “why would I buy this for $115 when I can buy the ‘same’ thing for $43.24 on Etsy?”
    It makes everything worse for everybody except the end seller.

  26. Getting an add for Shopify right before this video sucks

  27. Use code GATEKEEP50 to get 50% OFF First Box and free wellness shots for life with any active subscription at!

  28. @chuckrichardson83 January 22, 2025 at 11:51 am

    Whine Whine cry boo hoo… videos like this make me laugh so much because they’re the equivalent to Taylor Swift and her music.
    Taylor Swift sing songs about how her relationships are constantly shity and how she can never make decent decisions in her life and videos like this show how people don’t know how to shop don’t know how to look for a sale don’t know how to realize when they’re getting scammed and then have to come online and complain about it. 😂

  29. not me getting shopify ads on this video lmaoo

  30. Very high note to end the video, subscribed

  31. @CosmicNiffler2102 January 22, 2025 at 11:53 am

    Going out of my way lately to just shop local, small business. What do you know, the quality of everything I own has improved!

  32. This is honestly probably your most informative video and will help countless young people understand global economics. Thank you for making this video and educating people.

  33. @kiddykatnesscorral4613 January 22, 2025 at 11:53 am

    I totally love your big blue sweater so much I can’t concentrate on what your saying .😂

  34. I live in New Zealand and shipments from team only take a week.
    It must be American customs and Postal Service that takes so long

  35. Who’s gonna explain this girl that all she’s owning (mics, her pikachu, her guitar, …) came from the China manufacturs, the same Aliexpress is using. Almost every company in this world do "drop shipping", their supplier come from China. China produce EVERYTHING.

  36. I have a friend who’s trying to make a living from her creative endeavours, and that involves selling handmade stuff on Etsy. She’s been despairing about all those dropshipper listings pretty much since she started over there, feeling pretty help- and hopeless against those mass-produced scams clogging up the search results.

  37. Thank you for making this video! Thank you for putting a spotlight on this sad issue. As a small seller of handcrafted items I salute you 🫡! (If anyone is interested in handmade personalized wedding ring boxes, just let me know) 🙂

  38. @callumjohnston858 January 22, 2025 at 11:59 am

    Not me getting a ‘sell on Amazon’ ad in the Amazon segment

  39. @thelittleheathenfromSweden January 22, 2025 at 12:00 pm

    Don’t forget about the automatic litter boxes that killed several cats, drop shipping and the rabbit holes of their products is one hell of a journey, more emphases on hell and less on journey.

  40. 19:47 and the way this is said is so funny to me
    29:33 besides the problem with the videos this is actually another reason why they SUCK

  41. Okay, but i need to know where you got that blue sweater from.

  42. Uygher slave labour is a capitalist myth

  43. 27:34 defend slavery much?

  44. Ngl i didnt know what dropshipping was lolololl

  45. I wanted to get something incredibly specific and handmade for my husband for Christmas and I tried looking on Etsy and holy heck!!! It was a nightmare!!! There were FIVE different shops all selling the exact same thing with the exact same branding and pictures at wildly different prices! It was literally the ONLY item that matched what I needed and yet I couldn’t tell who was the “real” seller or if the real seller even existed so I ended up not even being able to get it! It took me MONTHS to find something else even remotely similar from an actual reputable company and it still wasn’t exactly what I needed so tbh I’m still way salty at that.

  46. I’ve never heard of dropshipping…I just thought that was Amazon. Lol this entire video is how online shopping works, or shopping in general

    Temu’s objective is to gain access to your phone content

  47. @ampragea-lister6209 January 22, 2025 at 12:11 pm

    It didn’t change anything, people were being tricked into purchasing worthless crap long before dropshipping was invented. No one does the fucking homework, maybe they did in the 60s where you could only buy one thing so it had to be good. Now? No one knows what actually goes into the products you’re advertised and it shows.

  48. @yakksoloyakksolo7493 January 22, 2025 at 12:12 pm

    cry me a river i sold lots on ai stuff this month ching ching


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